Help protect the beautiful natural landscapes and unique wildlife of Western Australia's Coral Coast for future generations. Find out how you can minimise the impact of your visit by considering these conservation tips.

Leave No Trace

The seven principles of Leave No Trace are recommended as a guide to minimise the impact on the natural and cultural heritage areas of Western Australia’s Coral Coast.

  • Plan ahead and prepare
  • Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  • Dispose of waste appropriately
  • Leave what you find
  • Minimise campfire impacts
  • Respect wildlife
  • Be considerate of your hosts and other visitors

Coral Conservation

The coral reefs of Western Australia’s Coral Coast are important to Australia and the world. They are hotspots of marine biodiversity and shelter the coastline from storms. Although the coral reefs of Western Australia’s Coral Coast are among the best managed in the world, they are still susceptible to natural as well as human impacts.

Please observe and obey Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW) regulations relating to fishing, diving and snorkelling regulations. Visit the DPAW website for further details and do your bit to preserve coral reefs when visiting Western Australia’s Coral Coast.

Indigenous Sites

Indigenous sites are unique and irreplaceable cultural resources for all Australians. Please help preserve these places for future generations. Avoid touching or stepping on the art. Leave the area free of rubbish and do not mark the art in any way.


Tourism operators in Australia now have access to nationally recognised Ecotourism certification processes including Ecotourism Australia and the Tourism Council of WA accreditation scheme.

Ecotourism certification processes help visitors identify genuine ecotourism and nature tourism operators that are backed by a commitment to best practice ecological sustainability.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Climate change impacts on the fragile ecosystems of Western Australia’s Coral Coast. Everyone can help reduce climate change and preserve these natural wonders for future generations. Find out more about climate change and what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint at the Australian Government Department of Climate Change website.